The seemingly innocent slogan "America First" goes back deep in U.S. history.  But it began to develop a racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, and fascist tone after World War I.  Adopted by the Ku Klux Klan and eugenicists, it was trumpeted before America's entry into World War II by the America First Committee, whose most prominent spokesman, Charles Lindbergh, championed the practices and policies of Nazi Germany.  Even after being alerted to the slogan's unsavory history, Donald Trump has continued to employ it.

Although the popular new Netflix film, Einstein and the Bomb, purports to tell the story of the great physicist's relationship to nuclear weapons, it ignores his vital role in rallying the world against nuclear catastrophe.  Ultimately, that role helped to spark a worldwide uprising against nuclear weapons that led to significant nuclear arms control and disarmament measures, as well as to the end of the Cold War

For some time, it's been apparent that the world's nations are not meeting the growing challenges to human survival.  Among the key challenges are the growing destructiveness of modern war (and, especially nuclear war), environmental catastrophe, and the rise of rightwing nationalism.  But there are indications -- both past and present -- that humanity has the capacity to avert disaster.  

Russia's war upon Ukraine has continued for nearly two years, with terrible human and economic consequences.  Thus far, a Russian veto in the UN Security Council has blocked that international entity from imposing a settlement of the war.  But the UN Charter states that a party to a dispute before the Security Council shall abstain from voting on it.  And, in fact, such abstention was practiced for years within the Security Council.  Therefore, both international law and precedent point toward the United Nations taking action to establish a just peace in Ukraine.

The United States and China lead the world by far in their number of billionaires.  These extraordinarily wealthy people in both nations have a lot more in common with each other than with their fellow citizens.

Although international anarchy has long been recognized as facilitating global conflict, attempts to jettison it have not gone very far.  The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Russian invasion and occupation of Ukraine, and the renewed nuclear arms race exemplify the willingness of nations to flagrantly violate international law when it suits their purposes.  Therefore, if international security is to be attained, international law must be enforced by strengthened international organization.  

September 2023 is the sixtieth anniversary of U.S. and Soviet ratification of the world's first significant nuclear arms control agreement, the Partial Test Ban Treaty.  The history of this treaty and its successors shows us that arms control and disarmament treaties have helped to curb the nuclear arms race and prevent nuclear war.  Similarly, the revived march toward nuclear catastrophe can be halted by finally banning nuclear weapons -- if people will demand it.